
Transparency Portal

The Village of Oak Lawn is committed to transparency in governance.  This transparency portal intends to allow citizens to access information about Oak Lawn's municipal government conveniently.

  • Elected Officials & Administration: Provided is the contact information of all elected officials, the Village Manager, and department heads.
  • Meetings - Agendas & Minutes:  Meeting Dates,  Agendas, Minutes, and Board Packets.
  • Public Records - FOIA Requests:  FOIA submission portal & FOIA Officers contact information.
  • Budgets: Provided are the current-year budget and previous budgets.
  • Financial Administration:  Primary responsibilities are safeguarding the Village’s assets and fairly presenting its financial condition. To that end, this office manages the cash and investment portfolio, performs all financial recordkeeping functions, compiles the annual operating budget, and issues the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report detailing the Village’s operating results. 
  • Sunshine Law Compliance: Posting requirements to ensure the reliability of government actions.